This course aims at providing general information necessary to understand the organizational structure of the Occupational Safety and Health System as is set up at our University in order to comply with Legislative Decree 81/08.
For any information and / or clarification about the Course Assessment, please contact the Tutor of the Course:
For any technical issues (eg troubles accessing the course, password change etc.) contact:
How to access the platform
– visit the address:
– click on menu item: “Kiro”
– choose the tab “Piattaforme” (Platforms)
– click on “Ambiente e Sicurezza” (Environment and Safety)
– login by entering your University credentials (Username: your TAX NUMBER;
Password: your UNIPV PASSWORD)
– Access the course by clicking on: “GENERAL Training on-line course for Workers (STUDENTS) – (art.2 DLgs 81/08)”.
Structure of the course
The course consists of 6 lessons (units) plus an introductory unit, Module 0 – “The Training Project”.
The navigation through these units is “bound” in that it is not possible to access the following lesson if the previous module has not been completed in all its parts.
Each unit, with the exception of Module 0, includes a self-assessment test (“Test your knowledge”): these tests are a time for learning and self-assessment in order to give you the chance of testing yourself and correcting your mistakes.
Even though they are compulsory and are considered as part of the learning process itself, these tests do not entail any evaluation by the Tutor; as a matter of fact, they should be regarded as a chance to deepen your knowledge of the topics discussed in a certain unit.
At the end of the training. you are invited to fill the “Course evaluation form”: your comments, remarks and proposals on the course will help us create a product that is more and more meeting your demands and expectations.
The course ends with a “Final assessment”, which is mandatory for all participants, whose access password is the following: studenti2016 (small letters).
This test can only be attempted once, in a set duration time (30 ‘), it consists of 24 questions and it will be passed if the number of correct answers is equal to or greater than 75% (at least 18 out of 24).
Validity of the course
In order to obtain the validity of the course, you must have:
– followed the on-line lessons
– downloaded the files and transparencies (in pdf format) related to every unit
– completed the self-assessment tests for the 6 units
– passed the “Final assessment”.
Notwithstanding the completion of the course, if you don’t pass the ” Final assessment” you will have to repeat it in person on a date to be defined; for this reason you are invited to contact the course Tutor:
Only at the end of the training process will you be able to view, download (in PDF format) and save the Certificate attesting the successful “GENERAL Training”; if the file or copy of the Certificate is lost in the future, the course must be repeated!
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